Scripture Truffles... gobble 'em up!!

Psalm 133: 1

Howwonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How are you today?

I was thinking about people who blog and who read other people's blogs.  Why do we blog?
I think for most of us girls it's a way to vent or "talk".  Nobody on the other end will try to fix the problem, nobody to try to relieve our thoughts...such as my thighs are so big, I'm getting old, I can't remember things I just asked two minutes ago, was I going to the kitchen or to the living room, do I really have to cook dinner again, did I remember to pay the electric bill, what am I going to do today once the baby is napping and so on....

And so we blog.  Maybe out of boredom.  Maybe because we just like to write.  Maybe because we're lonely.  Just thinking... not judging......not condeming... I like it too.  

So how are you today?  I hope you're on top of the world!  I hope the sun is shining on you and the birds are singing your favorite song, the clouds spell out your name (or at least makes a special shape just for YOU)... I hope you are feeling wonderful.  I hope you got great rest last night - or even a much needed snoozy today sometime.  I hope you're comfortable in your clothes - or pajamas if that's the case ... I hope your hair cooperated with you today...and most of all I hope you are happy today.

Just a thought:  Worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.  So give your burdens to God like He told you in the first place!

SMILE :o) ..... it looks great on you!

baby is up now, gotta go!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Trying to be a wife of a HAPPY husband...

Yep...I'm reading another book to help myself grow spiritually.  One of these days I hope I'll feel like I've got it together (pretty good anyways) and can go OUT and do some Outreach... I feel I'm doing too much "INreach" (working on myself).    My new self help book is titled "You Can Be The Wife of A Happy Husband" by Darien B. Cooper.  It was written back in the days of Starsky & Hutch and Hawaii 5-0...(70's)...some 30 years ago, but the info is still very relevant and worth reading.

So to avoid reproducing or copying the author's hard work I'm just going to relate a few points I've read and am trying to implement in my role as wife.  As usual, I value your prayers (for real)... I sooooo long to live a life that makes God smile from ear to ear when He looks down on me.

FIRST OF ALL:  God made us women to be helpers for our husbands.  We may be married and feel we made the wrong choice, but be sure that God knew exactly what He was doing and it is no mistake that you two are married.

2nd  NOBODY should take your affection away from your husband.  He should come first and we would be smart to make this relationship be of utmost importance (except for God-He's 1st).

3rd:  When we apply the truths we learn in God's word we WILL see changes...both in our hubby and ourself.  Changes take time, so be patient!!!

4th: Don't try to push YOUR agenda on your spouse.  It won't work and you'll just get more agitated.  Even if you think he's not spiritual enough-just pray.  Keep your mouth shut and let the Holy Spirit do the convicting. 

5th:  Begin to pray together EVERY DAY if you're not already doing so.  Even if YOU have to be the initator.... God will love to hear from you and see YOU being an example and "helper".  KEEP AT IT....everyday.  :0) Make deliberate moves to get your marriage in a healthy, spirit-filled mode.  If it's truly important to you - you'll take steps to get it going in the right direction.

6th:  Try asking your husband "what can I do for you" with a sincere heart.  Lead by example.... and follow through with a cheerful heart.  If it's hard for you to do this ask God to help you in this matter.

There's so much more.  Just remember that if you know the right thing to do but fail to do it, that's sin.  I'm guilty.  But I want to be different.

I'm praying for all of us "helpers".  

Much love to you all.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Staring at a blank page before me....

Isn't that what life is? A blank page?

We have the choice of what we're going to write on the pages of our lives. THAT'S PRETTY AMAZING when you think about it. God allows us that freedom...but we should choose very carefully what our story will include.

I imagine my pages filled with lots of music (that's how I met my husband) ...lots of pink (my favorite color) and girly things too (since we have 3 daughters) and there'd be some blue and a wonderful descripton of just how soft a grandson's skin is... but if you looked underneath all the bright colors and doodling and fun stuff scattered all over the pages and you could read my real story you'd discover a timid, shy woman who feels as though she is still quite youthful, but somehow she's trapped inside a 46 year old body. I've never felt like I've matured enough. I'm a wife and mother that has hormone issues, occasional blahs, failing eyes and large love handles (what a crazy name for that hideous part of my body). eek!

I want to write all over my life with adventures-the spur of the moment places I've went to-instead of always wanting to know the plan. I so long to write about the people I've met (and actually spoke to - not just thinking of what to say that would sound impressive or that I'm smart like them). I want to write about the lives I've changed because I was kind to EVERYBODY...not just the ones who were kind to me. I want to influence people, not impress. I want to write about how I've allowed God to use me...however HE chooses .. instead of holding myself back from becoming the person He longs for me to be.


Today I'm coloring my blank pages with lots and lots of gray...maybe because it's gloomy outside. Maybe because I'm a little depressed. Maybe because I wish I could be happy with just who I am.

Maybe tomorrow I'll splash my pages with lots of bright sun-shiny yellow, Pinks of all shades....lavender blue and baby blue and oh yes, green...ahhhh....what a lovely makes me think of going barefooot in the grass (without stickers). :o)

I challenge us all to write a really gr8 life story! One that reels 'em in....keeps on the edge of their that inspires..... One that would make our savior smile from ear to ear and make the angels sing.

I'll start tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A day in the life of Noah

I'm sooooo thankful for the streams of light making Noah squint this morning.  He's playing on the floor with me and the dining room blinds are open allowing a certain glow in the room.
His blue eyes are sparkling.  

Yesterday I took him to work with me for a little bit and then to the dental office I work at to see Auntie CC who just loved on him and kissed on him.  (I got hugs & kisses from her too).  He smiled at all the girls in the office...flirted a little too.  From there, on to my house to see Gramps (my husband, Keith).  He was half asleep from the drive there when we arrived, but when he heard Gramps voice he perked right up and went straight to him.  Gramps loves to sit in his big chair and rock with Noah and Noah loves it too.  He wants to sit up like a big boy..he's so small compared to Gramps...they look soooo cute sitting together.  We went outside to take a walk but it was SO sunny I was afraid his little bald head would be red in no instead we sat under the covered swing and relished in the warmth God bestowed upon us.  The wind whisked around us which caught Noah off guard.  He seemed to shudder a bit.  I just kept thinking about all that he is learning.  Seeing the leaves fall from our oaks.  Watching our cat PB stroll by us and then hop up onto the swing.  Noah wanted to pull his fur...he'd really like to pull him up to his mouth to really explore the cat, but that wasn't an option.  :0)   

I sang him songs that I've sang to his momma and aunties countless times.  He just sat there taking it all in.  Very content to be held & sang to.  It was much different from last Tuesday when I went with Kacee to a place way out in Oklahoma to visit the Pioneer Woman and her guest Bakerella who taught us how to make Cake Pops.  If you're interested just go to Kacee's blogsite "Life In My Ark"... she's got all the 411 and the sites posted to learn more about these two amazing ladies.  It was a fun time, one to be remembered for sure.

So, today is another day to watch Noah learn and grow.  We started the morning off watching a Baby Einstein DVD on sign language.  It's very cute with bright colors.  We learned "eat", "mother", "father", "drink"... I guess I should say I LEARNED... but he'll get it.  They are very easy signs.  Right now he is bouncing away on his horsey all the while laughing and "talking" to me, laughing and trying to eat the horses maine.  I think he'd prefer to have a hot bottle and a little snoozy so I'm going to close and take care of him.

Here's to your Wednesday....or whatever day it is you are reading.  May you have health, happiness and much, much love always.  God bless you!

cindy ann

Thursday, March 5, 2009

God knows us!

YES HE DOES!!!  I'm floored by the very thought that He knows how many hairs are on my head.  That He created me in my mother's womb.  He sends me picture post cards everyday with the Sunrises and Sunsets and how about all those beautiful Daffodils popping their little heads out?  Yep, you got it...He sends us flowers too and for no special occasion, just because He loves us.
I was reading in 2 Timothy last night and came across something I had doodled above the scripture.  I had just prayed that Noah would understand me when I speak to him about Jesus.  Then I turned to a scripture that was intended to encourage Timothy not to veer away from his scriptural teachings and the faith that was first with his mother and GRANDMOTHER.... Yes, God knows what we think, feel and yearn for.  I know He's using me to help train Noah in the way he should go.
I praise YOU God...You truly are worthy of all my praises and all my worship.
Thank you for KNOWING us...all about us and that you STILL love us.
Aren't we so blessed to call Him savior and friend?
peace to all

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Freedom in Forgiveness

My honey read another chapter from the Love Dare this morning about how Love Frees us.  I know my blogs have been a little "preachy", but that's because of two things:
1. It's what's going on in my life right now
2. I think God wants me to pass on what I learn.

So I'm obliged to write.

Quick & simple...when we hold a grudge and cannot forgive we not only relive our pain everytime the person who offended us comes to mind...we also keep ourself in bondage to that memory.  I mean REALLY!!!  Why on earth would we want to do that?  I'll tell you why, it's because of that old sneaky snake, satan.  He'd love nothing more than to keep those memories fresh on our minds, hurting us over and over again, all the while we become more and more resentful and angry at our "enemies". 

Choose TODAY for freedom. know what that is.  You hear about it at church....but fail to live by it.  I want a changed life.  Don't you?  

To truly change, we MUST make a choice to forgive and LIVE...and to love. 

 Love...true love awaits.  Oh yes, and peace is an added bonus. 

Be FREE my friend.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Real tears

Today I saw real tears come from Noah.   :0(    I was mixing up a batch of cereal for him, a big whopping 1/2 teaspoon to mix with his formula.  He ate it all earlier today, but completely refused and boy did he let me know he DID NOT WANT IT!!  

I went to change his diaper before rocking him with his bottle.  As he screamed and cried my heart just hurt for him.  He just wanted his bottle and a nap. What was taking me so long to get 'r done?  I wiped away his tears, grabbed his warmed bottle and sat rocking & feeding him, all the while listening to his little CD with scriptures and kids singing along with the writer/singer about not worrying and how we reap what we sow. 

I hugged and kissed him and apologized for making him cry.  He just kept sucking the bottle, didn't even acknowledge me or my tears that were coming up.  He didn't have to, I knew he was happy now.  My thoughts turned to my husband Keith.  He's got a little competition with this little guy for my attention.  I thought to myself how much I just hug and kiss on Noah...easily...but no so with Keith.  I mean I do kiss and hug him, but not alot like I do with Noah.  I know he needs my love just like Noah does.  I apologized to God for being stingy with my affection.  I don't want to love like that.  I want to lavish my loved ones with thoughtful actions and service unconditionally like I do for Noah.   I prayed the Holy Spirit would prompt me to love like He does. 

I want my life to reflect all I know about my Savior, that means a changed lifestyle.  It's a good thing God is patient....I'm still under construction.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Love one another....

I know, this sounds like something you know already...your momma already told you long ago or your sunday school teacher told you... "be kind to others, treat people the way you want to be treated, if you can't something nice, don't say nothing at all"... stuff like that.

I was reading in my borrowed book from my son-in-law Craig last night.."Blue Like Jazz" which I've been reading since the end of December a little at a time. I'm almost done Craig, I promise you'll get your book back. It's a deep book, sometimes a little out there, but last night I read about love & relationships and I thought to myself...THIS IS IT!!! Just like the author, I've been talking to myself about Christianity and how it can turn people off. Christians don't mean to do it, but we do...I include myself in the WE. Even preachers and preachers family members do it. I've heard it. AAAGGGHHH.... it makes me angry at WE. It makes me want to go out and apologize to people for the way WE treat people.

Don't understand what I'm writing about? I'm talking about how we USE our gift of love for others. As Christians the bible teaches us to love like Christ. We can't truly do that unless Christ is truly living in us. Stay with me here.

The author stated we use love as a comodity. If you be nice to me, or do something nice for me, then I'll give you "love" back. DID YOU HEAR ME? We only pay back good with love when we really should pay back "you're bad" or "you get on my nerves" or "you dress & smell bad" or "you're not like me" (fill in the blanks with what we don't like in people)... we should show love to all these scenarios... not just to the people who are kind to us, do nice things for us, show us love.

Doesn't that want to make you take a good hard look at yourself and ask yourself "Am I trying to love like Christ, or doing my own thing"? This includes people who YOU consider sinners...the people YOU look down on. Remember that when we point our finger at somebody we are pointing to ourselves too. Even on our best days as a Christian we are still sinners.

Something to ponder today... the day before we get up and take our selves, our children to church...and pretend.

Hmmm....I'm getting on my knees right now and asking for forgiveness, thanking God He does forgive and asking the Holy Spirit to truly change my heart to love like our Savior.
Time to ReAlign in ' my husband says.

Peace to all...and much LOVE!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's a Tickle Train?

I was just thinking about my blog title and realized I hadn't yet wrote about it.

As a young girl I loved my mothers gentle touches.  She used to tickle me on my bottom... I know that sounds weird, but it wasn't in a perverted way... it was just a loving touch.  I would have stayed still for hours for that.  I loved her touch.

The tickling continued with our girls.  It started for them after baths.  I would massage Baby Mennen lotion (I love their baby lotion over the norm by J&J)... anyways, after their little massage I would finish it off by gently tickling down the length of their little bodies.  They all seemed to love it soooo much.  They'd lay still and hardly was so cute.

As they grew tickling became a way of relaxation.  I can remember countless times of a child plopping down beside me to nudge my arm to begin the sought after mother's touch.
(Infact, they still love it as grown up girlies).

I can't remember exactly when the tickle train came to the station  but I can remember being "on the train"...I was always the caboose.  The girls would line up sitting Indian style in front of me.  I'm sure we had a way of who went first, but it eludes me now.  So this is how it went down:"

The rules were we would all tickle the person in front of us (except for the lead person of course.  If anybody stopped tickling we had to yell "stop"  or "keep tickling"...something like that (see what happens when you start to get old - your recollection doesn't recollect that gr8). 
So at some point (whenever I wanted) I'd call out "switch".  The lead would move to me and the other two would move up.  Everybody got tickled, except for me, but that's ok.

We'd go for awhile, as long as everybody got their "fix".

Another fun memory I had was our chore list.  We had a rotation of doing the dishes and feeding the pets.  The calendar on the fridge helped keep us organized.  I would mark on the side of each week K, C & B and put a D-for dishes or P-for pets beside the initial and kept the rotation going that way.  Whoever fed the pets also got to be in the front seat while traveling without their daddy.  The front seat child also got to me in charge of the radio.  Everyone knew the rules and that kept fighting down alot over crazy stuff like that.  One person would be "off" that week.  One day Brooke says (in front of her sisters), "mom, I have an idea...whoever is off can fold the laundry"...  HA!  Kacee & Carah yelled out "Brrrooooooke!!!"  I on the other hand thought that was a great idea.

I read many issues of Family Fun back in those days which really gave great advice as well as offering fun ways to be creative and learn at the same time.

One thing I wish I would have done differently:  been a better influence as a godly mother.  I was active in church, helping with Vacation Bible School and also was a mission leader for a while "Girls in Action", but the day to day learning wasn't sufficient as I look back.  I have a friend named Christina that I look up to in this area.  She's on my site here...check her out at "Light My Way".  She's the kind of mother I wish I had been years ago.  I know there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ... so, I'm kicking myself in the butt, God's not.  We are responsible to train our children the way they should go.  So, I have a second chance starting with sweet Noah.

We are going to have sooooo much fun...we are already.  Today I am teaching him the word KISS... I plan to give him a million or so today, think he'll get it?  :0)

Have a sweet day!  Make some memories, GOOD ones!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

From the LOVE DARE...

Love understands...

What do we know about love?  We grow up giving silly Valentine cards and eating candy hearts that taste like Pepto Bismol...that say "be mine" or "I like you".. but school fails to teach us about love (or managing money for that matter).  We mostly learn about love from watching our parents and later from our friends on the school bus or in the locker rooms.  Hmmmm....

The bible gives us clear instructions on what LOVE is really all about in 1 corinthians chapter 13. We quickly read through it and agree and feel convicted in areas that we are SO guilty of...but then what?  My question is really - aren't we supposed to learn from scripture? I mean, if we just quickly read through it but fail to take the time to understand what it means to us and then apply it to our lives...well then it's just that we read scripture to just say, "oh yeah, I read the bible".  WOO HOO! Good for you, good for me....NOT!!

I believe God wants us to do so much more than much more than just read the bible. His precious words are supposed to change us.  Mold us to become more and more like Him!  I want that.  Do you?

Today's lesson from the book my husband is reading to me :o)  --  "The Love Dare" from the movie Fireproof - is about how love understands.  Just like we spend time learning a sport or gleaning everything there is to know about our favorite craft or past time, we should "study" our loved ones, especially our spouse.  We ALL want to be known.  We want our spouse to be our best friend, the one we share our dreams & hopes with...our secrets with.  

To know them, I mean to REALLY know them we MUST take the time & energy it takes to build the relationship to the point of knowing!  That's what our spouse's want and so does our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We put our time into what we feel is important to us.  Our relationships should be our top priority.  Do our actions show we care for people MORE than our hobbies?  I hope so.

So today, I pray that we all will become more aware of understanding one another.  The love bond can only become stronger.  And that (as Martha Stewart would say) is a very good thing!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Friday....

I hope your day has been grrrrrrreat! (Think Tony the Tiger). I was just looking at some of the recent photos I took of Kacee and Noah. Out of 87 shots taken that day, this one has to be one of my fav's. So sweet. It was kinda cool that morning and windy. He was squinting the whole time...feeling the breeze brush his chubby cheeks... it was hard to get one of his adorable smiles out of him.... so, it's a good thing I have a thing for weird pictures like this one. You can't see Kacee either, but believe me when I say she looked beautiful as always!

Tomorrow's the big day....VaLeNtInE's DaY! Here's what I don't want:

muddy floors, my yard to catch on fire (it did once, but not on Valentines day...that was the day a squirrel decided to check out the electrical pole transformer - boy did it make a big boom!)

I wouldn't want flowers really....they are pretty, but they die way too fast, and being the frugal person I am, I hate for people to spend that much for them. I wouldn't want to have to cook...but that has been said before about me, by me. As I'm typing I keep thinking "what a weird list"...but it's me, it's true and it's kinda funny as I'm re-reading... so I'll keep it just the way it is.

What WOULD I like? Hmmm... a massage with those hot stones...ahhhh...extra long on the feeties...(but not on my toes!!)... bruschetta...mmmmm, from Bella Italia...their pizza is sooo good too (hot) and I don't even like olives. Just relaxing with Keith would be fine. We don't have to go anywhere... just watch a good, clean movie...maybe a glass of Lambrusco to go with the bruschetta...or maybe 2 glasses of Lambrusco....yummy! I'm starting to feel relaxed just thinking about it.

Happy Valentines Day to all and to all a good night!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Good morning...afternoon or evening...

I was reading in my study of Esther last night and Beth Moore said something (wrote something) that really made me think differently.  I want to share it and I pray it makes us all think differently about ourselves.

She spoke of Esther being royal..... but you & I are royal too...way beyond what she had.  Sure, she had a crown, but we have BLOOD!!!  Think about it.  Noah & his family re-populated the world.  That blood line brought Jesus to this earth.  Then so and so begat so and so and on and on and on and then one day I was born, YOU were born...our children were born.  Therefore, we have the same blood traveling through our veins that Jesus had in His.  I don't know about you, but somehow that made me feel even closer to my wonderful Savior.  Jesus not only bled for us, we share His blood.  That's so cool.  He wants us to tell people these things.  It makes this mystery called life not so mysterious.  You know?  

So let's do it.  Let's do what Matthew 28:18 says...GO..and tell.  Make it personal...the relaationship you share with Him...the one we are relatrd too...the only one who loves us unconditionnally...GO!!!  

I'll go with you.  xxoo

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Don't grow up fast Noah, even if I say I can't wait....

hey, hey, hey... I'm hooked.   I truly love, love, love to write...and I love to help people. Which is why I'm here today, watching my sweet grandbaby, Noah, as my oldest daughter has completed her schooling and is now a wonderful dental hygienist.  I know she is wonderful at it because I know that's the kind of God I believe in.  He created her to work IN people's mouths. Not all of us could do this job.  She loves it!  So I know that she's wonderful at it because God created her with a mind to learn, a heart for others (and their teethies) and He placed her in an office that loves her so much.  Yep, she's in her sweet spot.  :0 )

I have soooo many great memories with my girlies and I know they remember tickle trains and much more.  I hope Noah & I will make some really fun, loving memories of our own.  I love watching him grow and "talk" to me.  I can't wait to see his hair grow out, to see him crawl and to hear him talk to me (where I know what he's really saying to me).  

Today though, I will relish in his chuckles and fake coughs.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blogging becons me

So...I'm sitting here, waiting for my sweet little grandson to wake up, looking at this silver screen called a laptop and remembering my daughter's newest rave...Pioneer Woman blogsite and her very own "Life in my Ark" site... and so I start to read again.  I started reading the other day as Noah napped, and realized this is going to be big.  It may already be big.  I'm new to this blog thing.  What a weird word for journaling anyways!  I thought why not... I love to write just like the rest of you hooked on this thing and it's a great way to pass the time (instead of watching the crap Hollyweird -as my sister says-puts on the really BIG silver screens...which really arent' so silver are they?  They're pretty black if my memory recalls... and yes, my girls will be the first to say, mom's memory is not that great anymore, but I can't completely relate to Dory yet (think Finding Nemo).  

I can hear Noah waking up....this blogging thing may be harder for me than my dear daughter and for sure that Martha Stewart of a woman--you know who I'm referring to...yes, the Pioneer Woman.  She makes me feel inadequate, yet I want to read ALL of her blogs and the comments too.... which would take the rest of my life --I'm sure of that.  One post may have 453 lie.  I wonder if Good Morning America has heard of this modern day wonder woman?  Maybe I'll send them an email to get her on tv.  That would be like me.

Gotta go, the little guy becons me also!  :0)  

peace to all...
