I was reading in my study of Esther last night and Beth Moore said something (wrote something) that really made me think differently. I want to share it and I pray it makes us all think differently about ourselves.
She spoke of Esther being royal..... but you & I are royal too...way beyond what she had. Sure, she had a crown, but we have BLOOD!!! Think about it. Noah & his family re-populated the world. That blood line brought Jesus to this earth. Then so and so begat so and so and on and on and on and then one day I was born, YOU were born...our children were born. Therefore, we have the same blood traveling through our veins that Jesus had in His. I don't know about you, but somehow that made me feel even closer to my wonderful Savior. Jesus not only bled for us, we share His blood. That's so cool. He wants us to tell people these things. It makes this mystery called life not so mysterious. You know?
So let's do it. Let's do what Matthew 28:18 says...GO..and tell. Make it personal...the relaationship you share with Him...the one we are relatrd too...the only one who loves us unconditionnally...GO!!!
I'll go with you. xxoo
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