Scripture Truffles... gobble 'em up!!

Psalm 133: 1

Howwonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

From the LOVE DARE...

Love understands...

What do we know about love?  We grow up giving silly Valentine cards and eating candy hearts that taste like Pepto Bismol...that say "be mine" or "I like you".. but school fails to teach us about love (or managing money for that matter).  We mostly learn about love from watching our parents and later from our friends on the school bus or in the locker rooms.  Hmmmm....

The bible gives us clear instructions on what LOVE is really all about in 1 corinthians chapter 13. We quickly read through it and agree and feel convicted in areas that we are SO guilty of...but then what?  My question is really - aren't we supposed to learn from scripture? I mean, if we just quickly read through it but fail to take the time to understand what it means to us and then apply it to our lives...well then it's just that we read scripture to just say, "oh yeah, I read the bible".  WOO HOO! Good for you, good for me....NOT!!

I believe God wants us to do so much more than much more than just read the bible. His precious words are supposed to change us.  Mold us to become more and more like Him!  I want that.  Do you?

Today's lesson from the book my husband is reading to me :o)  --  "The Love Dare" from the movie Fireproof - is about how love understands.  Just like we spend time learning a sport or gleaning everything there is to know about our favorite craft or past time, we should "study" our loved ones, especially our spouse.  We ALL want to be known.  We want our spouse to be our best friend, the one we share our dreams & hopes with...our secrets with.  

To know them, I mean to REALLY know them we MUST take the time & energy it takes to build the relationship to the point of knowing!  That's what our spouse's want and so does our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We put our time into what we feel is important to us.  Our relationships should be our top priority.  Do our actions show we care for people MORE than our hobbies?  I hope so.

So today, I pray that we all will become more aware of understanding one another.  The love bond can only become stronger.  And that (as Martha Stewart would say) is a very good thing!

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