I think for most of us girls it's a way to vent or "talk". Nobody on the other end will try to fix the problem, nobody to try to relieve our thoughts...such as my thighs are so big, I'm getting old, I can't remember things I just asked two minutes ago, was I going to the kitchen or to the living room, do I really have to cook dinner again, did I remember to pay the electric bill, what am I going to do today once the baby is napping and so on....
And so we blog. Maybe out of boredom. Maybe because we just like to write. Maybe because we're lonely. Just thinking... not judging......not condeming... I like it too.
So how are you today? I hope you're on top of the world! I hope the sun is shining on you and the birds are singing your favorite song, the clouds spell out your name (or at least makes a special shape just for YOU)... I hope you are feeling wonderful. I hope you got great rest last night - or even a much needed snoozy today sometime. I hope you're comfortable in your clothes - or pajamas if that's the case ... I hope your hair cooperated with you today...and most of all I hope you are happy today.
Just a thought: Worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. So give your burdens to God like He told you in the first place!
SMILE :o) ..... it looks great on you!
baby is up now, gotta go!